Bob Faris Memorial Event

Bob Faris Memorial Event

Sunday, 25th May 2025

Join Bristol Photographic at the BAWA Conference Centre in Bristol on the 25th May 2025. Following a generous bequest by past BPS President, Bob Faris FRPS, who sadly died in 2021, the Bristol Photographic Society proudly host this special one-day event in his memory, with guest speakers Charlie Waite and Steven LeProvost presenting on the day. Furthermore, brands including Sony, OM System, Fotospeed and Sigma will all be in attendance offering advice and opportunities for you to upgrade your camera gear!

For more information on the speakers or their lectures, see the Bristol Photographic Society event page >

Bob Faris FRPS, MPAGB, AFIAP (1992-2001)

Bob sadly passed in 2021. He’d been a member of Bristol PS since the early 1970s and through that time had held all the key roles including president of the society from 1996-2001. He was amongst that rare breed of photographer having achieved two Fellowships from the Royal Photographic Society, in the Applied and Pictorial sections. He was best known for his creative (in-camera – pre-Photoshop) surreal images. He was ever present at meetings and had served as an inspiration to countless generations of members and others beyond the club.

How much does it cost?

Tickets cost £10 and can be purchased through the Bristol Photographic Society.

Event Details

Day: Sunday 25th May 2025

Doors Open: 9:30 am

Welcome & Opening comments: 10.00 am

Charlie Waite - Behind The Photograph: (Part 1) 10.15 am, (Part 2) 11:30 am

Lunch*: 12.15 pm

Steven LeProvost - A Feeling of Impressionism: (Part 1) 1.45 pm, (Part 2) 3.00 pm

Raffle Draw & Closing comments: 3.45 pm

Event End: 4:30 pm

* Refreshments (tea, coffee etc) will be available, but attendees will need to bring their own lunch if required
** Timetable may be subject to change


BAWA Conference Centre, 589 Southmead Rd, Filton, Bristol BS34 7RG

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