Inspire Series Telescopes

The Celestron Inspire Series of telescopes are excellent entry-level kits that are packed full of features. Complete with everything required to get started including optical tube, mount, tripod, eyepieces and more, these telescopes can be taken out of the box and set up in minutes. Made with a Refractor optical design, the Inspire Series are a fantastic choice for those looking to explore the Moon and Planets in our Solar System. 


For more information about the Inspire Series continue reading below, or get in contact with our team of experts today. 


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Celestron is known for their impressive optical quality in their telescopes and the Inspire Series is no different. The Inspire 100AZ Telescope, for example, has a 100mm aperture with excellent light-gathering abilities to show objects in the night sky clear and bright. Each Inspire telescope comes complete with a 20mm and 10mm fully-coated Kellner eyepiece and a 90° erect image diagonal. The eyepieces are a great focal length to start with and offer different magnifications for different viewing conditions.


The Inspire series are lightweight and can be easily transported to dark sky locations, taken on hikes, camping trips or set up in your garden. They are easy to set up, taking just minutes even on the first time out, with no tools required. The included tripod has an adjustable height of up to 1.2 meters and a folding accessory tray for storing eyepieces, filters or other accessories. 


For an introduction to digiscoping, the lens cap has an integrated smartphone adapter that will let you take photos of your view and share them straight away. Compatible with almost any smartphone, the simple adapter design is a zero-hassle way to get into astroimaging. 


Also included in every Inspire kit is a red LED flashlight, one of the most beneficial accessories for any astronomer. It even mounts to the in-built accessory tray and can be removed for your convenience. Plus a StarPointer Pro red dot finderscope mounts to the optical tube to assist in locating and centring deep sky objects. 


To find out more about the Inspire Series get in contact today and talk to one of our friendly experts. 



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