Discover the Latest HikMicro Products

Check out the recent additions to this thermal monocular and binocular range.

Among the range of thermal monoculars is the HikMicro Lynx 2.0 series, offering a short focal length, wide FOV and a replaceable battery system. These offer an incredible level of detail in a compact body. The Lynx 2.0 19mm in particular is a great crossover between the 15mm and the 25mm, giving you a focusing ring while maintaining a large field of view for spotting wildlife in broad fields.

Alternatively, the HikMicro Falcon 2.0 thermal monoculars tend towards being larger than the Lynx series and offer a higher range. An all-rounder in this range would be the Falcon 2.0 35mm, which features a versatile FOV and long detection distance.

These HikMicro binoculars are multi-spectrum, meaning they operate with a thermal imaging system that is perfect for spotting animals through wilderness or in wide fields. They can then be switched to a standard binocular optic with clear glass for a more detailed view of your subject, hence offering a versatile and compact approach. High-powered binoculars like the HikMicro Habrok 60mm are great for spotting at a distance and giving the greatest level of clarity in this range, while the HikMicro Habrok 35mm instead offers a wider field of view, suitable for tracking subjects at a closer distance.

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