Hasselblad XH Converter 0.8

Hasselblad XH Converter 0.8

Key Features

  • Focal length conversion factor - 0,79x
  • Aperture conversion factor -  +2/3 Stop
  • Close range - Same as for the lens
  • Length/diameter - 51,5 / 84,6 mm
  • Weight - 430g
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Total Price £859.00
MPN Code CP.HB.00000627.01
EAN Code 7392544116273
SKU 26731

Hasselblad XH Converter 0.8

The Hasselblad XH Converter 0.8 is an accessory for using HC/HCD lenses on X System cameras. It reduces the focal length of the attached lens by a factor of 0,8x as well as increases the maximum and minimum aperture with 2/3 stops. As an example, the HC 100, f/2,2 when used together with XH Converter 0,8, will be equivalent to an f/1,8 80mm lens. It is designed to be used with all HC/HCD lenses (see Compatibility) but it is optimized for the lenses shown on page 2. The attached lens retains its full functionality, including AF 1.

An added bonus when using the XH Converter 0,8 is that it increases lens performance as lens aberrations are reduced by the same factor as the focal length. The HC/ HCD lenses will, thanks to the larger max aperture, produce a shallow depth of field with super smooth Bokeh. The XH Converter 0,8 can also be combined with other H System lens accessories, such as the HTS 1.5 Tilt and Shift Adapter. The CF Lens Adapter (requires the electronic shutter function) gives access to all V System lenses. Lens corrections for all compatible HC/HCD lenses will be applied automatically when images are processed in Phocus (When the HTS, extension tubes, Macro Converter or the converter h2,7X are used, only the corrections for the lens are applied).

Key Features:

  • Focal length conversion factor - 0,79x
  • Aperture conversion factor -  +2/3 Stop
  • Close range - Same as for the lens
  • Length/diameter - 51,5 / 84,6 mm
  • Weight - 430g

  • Unlock a whole new set of lenses
  • Hasselblad Camera, adapter and lens

Unlock a whole new set of lenses

The XH Converter 0,8 brings new opportunities to Hasselblad photographers with the ability to unlock a whole new set of H System lens capabilities. The XH Converter 0,8, used on HC/HCD lenses attached to an X system or 907X camera, reduces the focal length of the lens by a factor of 0.8x, which delivers a wider field of view and improves the maximum aperture of the lens by two-thirds of a stop. Additionally, the XH Converter 0,8 improves lens performance in terms of contrast and apparent sharpness across the entire frame.

An impressive combination for maximising aperture is achieved when attaching the XH Converter 0,8 to the HC f/2,2 100mm lens, transforming the aperture and focal length to f/1.8, and 80mm, respectively. This creates an extremely fast aperture thaCanont proves quicker than the XCD f/1,9 80mm lens, which until now has been the highest aperture lens option for X and 907X camera systems. An example of reducing focal length with the XH Converter 0,8 is when combined with the HCD f/4,8 24mm lens, it creates an aperture of f/3,8 with a 19mm focal length. This results in an even wider lens option than the existing XCD 21 lens, the widest lens in the X System.

The XH Converter 0,8 joins a range of Hasselblad adapters and converters, including the XH Lens Adapter which allows the usage of all 12 H System lenses as they are on X and 907X camera systems. The addition of the XH Converter 0,8 to the existing accessories line-up now provides these systems with enhanced functionality for H Lenses. In addition, H System users who decide to branch into the X or 907X systems gain more versatility from their current HC/HCD Lens options.

Sample Images

  • Hasselblad sample image 1
  • Hasselblad sample image 2

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