Canon Lens Cap for RF-S 3.9mm F3.5 STM DUAL FISHEYE

Canon Lens Cap for RF-S 3.9mm F3.5 STM DUAL FISHEYE

Key Features

  • For the Canon RF-S 3.9mm f3.5 VR lens
  • Centre-squeeze snap-on
  • Replacement or spare
Our Price

Bundled Items

Total Price £49.99
MPN Code 6789C001
EAN Code 4549292236491
SKU 37480

Canon Lens Cap for RF-S 3.9mm F3.5 STM DUAL FISHEYE

A centre-squeeze snap-on type lens cap designed specifically for the Canon RF-S 3.9mm f3.5 VR Fisheye Lens.

Can be used as a replacement or as a spare.

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